CPR in Fayetteville, CPR in Hope Mills, CPR in Raeford, learn CPR, learn First Aid, First Aid in Fayetteville
Serving Fayetteville, Hope Mills and Raeford, NC
Refund Policy
In order to properly serve you, please let me know within 24 hours before class how many people will be in your group if you are booking for a company. Company will pay for all student they book for regardless of the number of students that come day of class. THE CLASS FEE IS DUE UPON REGISTRATION Registration is on line and classes are in person. After you register and you find out you cannot make the class, let me know within 12 hours so you can get a one time transfer to other class. There are no refunds. We plan to start class on time and those students who are late by 10 minutes will have a one-time transfer to another class. The transfer classes are to be conducted within 30 days. After 30 days we can not transfer. Thanks for helping us as I help you. Company clients no refund for employees that will not show up the morning of the class. Transfer can be arranged 24hrs if an employee not able to attend the class.
CPR® Courses are priced per person and student book available
For more information about each class, click on the red class title. Register via this online form, or email me letsdocpr@gmail.com. THE CLASS FEE IS DUE UPON REGISTRATION.
Group rates are available. Companies can also pay by check or cash. Saturday classes are also available for Companies by appointment.
Skills Evaluations:
Visit www.onlineaha.org to complete part one then call me to schedule skills. All skills are one/one
Contact Asumpter Warees RN at above number with any questions you may have. Thanks.
Class Schedule
BLS Renewal
Heartsaver CPR/ First Aid &AED
Pediatric/ Aduld HS CPR /First Aid & AED
Call, text or email us to schedule
American Heart Association (AHA) a 3 hour CPR certification class for nursing students, CNAs, and others working in healthcare settings. If your company has a group of 5 or more taking the class, please contact me for the Company Group Rate. To schedule your class, please email me at letsdocpr@gmail.com
Health Care Provider CPR/AED (BLS): $80

American Heart Association (AHA) a 3 hour CPR certification class for nursing students, CNAs, and others working in healthcare settings. If your company has a group of 5 or more taking the class, please contact me for the Company Group Rate. To schedule your class, please email me at letsdocpr@gmail.com
Health Care Provider CPR/AED (BLS) Renewal: $75

There are two parts for every skills evaluation class: the online portion and the hands-on portion. This skills evaluation class is the hands-on portion. You must first complete the online portion of Basic Life Support Skills and obtain a completion certificate at onlineAHA.org. Then, after showing your completion certificate, take this 1-hour one-on-one class to evaluate your Basic Life Support hands-on skills. This Skills Evaluation class is $65 per person. Please click on the button to purchase your class, then contact us at 910-835-1642 to schedule.
BLS Skills Evaluation Class - $65

American Heart Association (AHA) 4-5 hour class for those who need a non-medical CPR and first aid certification for daycare, foster care or adoptions, factories, or for personal interest. Two-year certification. If your company has a group of 5 or more taking the class, please contact me for the Company Group Rate. To schedule your class, please email me at letsdocpr@gmail.com
Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED Individual Rate: $86

There are two parts for every skills evaluation class: the online portion and the hands-on portion. This skills evaluation class is the hands-on portion. You must first complete the online portion of Heartsaver First Aid/AED and obtain a completion certificate at onlineAHA.org. Then, after showing your completion certificate, take this 1-hour one-on-one class to evaluate your hands-on skills. This Skills Evaluation class is $65 per person. Please click on the button to purchase your class, then contact us at 910-835-1642 to schedule.
Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED Skills Evaluation Class: $65

American Heart Association (AHA) 4-5 hour class for those who need a non-medical CPR and first aid certification for daycare, foster care or adoptions, factories, or for personal interest. Two-year certification. If your company has a group of 5 or more taking the class, please contact me for the Company Group Rate. To schedule your class, please email me at letsdocpr@gmail.com
Pediatric Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED Individual Rate: $90

There are two parts for every skills evaluation class: the online portion and the hands-on portion. This skills evaluation class is the hands-on portion. You must first complete the online portion of Heartsaver First Aid/AED and obtain a completion certificate at onlineAHA.org. Then, after showing your completion certificate, take this 1-hour one-on-one class to evaluate your hands-on skills. The Pediatric Heartsaver Skills Evaluations are $75 per person. Please click on the button to purchase your class, then contact us at 910-835-1642 to schedule.
Pediatric Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED Skills Evaluation Class: $75

A 4-5 hour class for those who need a CPR and first aid certification. Two-year certification. If your company has a group of 5 or more taking the class, please contact me for the Company Group Rate. To schedule your class, please email me at letsdocpr@gmail.com
CPR/AED Individual Rate: $75

CPR can save lives in emergency situations. Heart attacks and drownings are the most common emergencies, and a trained first responder is the victim's best chance of survival. Everyone should be prepared to do CPR anytime and anywhere. You can be that first responder with confidence when you are trained in CPR/First Aid classes.